一. 瑕疵品處理( 7 日內 )
商品在收到後 7 日內,若發現非因個人行為造成的瑕疵,可申請免費修復或退換貨。
二. 保固期內維修( 1 個月內 )
商品自收到日起 1 個月內,若非因個人行為損壞出現問題,可享免費維修服務。
維修範圍: 線鬆掉或斷掉(不包括水晶本體損壞)。
運費處理方式:買方需自行承擔來回運費 ($70 超商寄回)。
三. 保固期外及非瑕疵品維修服務(超過 1 個月)
超過 1 個月保固期的商品,或因個人行為損壞的商品,可提供維修服務,費用如下:
彈性繩換線費用: $100/條 ; 扣環式換線費用: $200/條
運費處理方式:超過保固期或非瑕疵品維修,買方需自行承擔來回運費($70 超商寄回)。
Each piece is handmade,
hence there may be a 1-3mm difference
from the actual dimension listed.
This beautiful error is dedicated to each individual guest.
If you’ve discovered any serious blemishes upon
receiving your jewelry,
please notify chingyihuang_jewelry
within three days and attach a photo to apply for returns.
chingyihuang_jewelry will provide you
with one year of maintenance,
free of charge,
but because jewelry is for personal use only,
pieces that have already been worn may not be returned.
In addition, since sterling silver is relatively soft,
if your ear pins become slanted,
simply bend it back by slightly adding pressure on the pin!
May you enjoy a romantic experience with chingyihuang_jewelry.